
Abilities are designated by the Ability Icons shown in the Ability Icon List. They can also be removed and gained by other card Powers. For more information on Abilities, please see the aforementioned Ability Icon List.
Actions are designated by either flat Ether Charge "Ether Charge icon" costs, flat Coin "Coin icon" costs ( e.g 1 "Coin Symbol" ), free Flips "Flip icon", or paid Flips "Flip Icon"( see "Flip" ). Actions can be activated at Imminent speed (see "Imminent") however, they may only be used once per Turn (including other players Turns) unless otherwise specified.
When a Creature or Door uses its Attack "Sword Icon" value to combat an opponent's Summoner or Blocking Creatures.
Attack Value
Is the value at the bottom right of a Creature or Door's card face, found beside Sword Icon.
When a Creature or Door uses its Defense "Shield Icon" value to combat an opponent's Summoner or Attacking Creatures.
Bounty Counter
A Counter or Die placed on a Creature signifying that when the attached Creature is Destroyed, the player who placed the Counter receives a sum of Coins, or another resource, specified by the card enabling the Bounty Counter.
An Attack, Effect, Ability or Action is completely negated. The Cancelled card is still considered "used" and so is Tilted, it's Ability, Action or Effect considered used for the Turn or it is placed in the Cemetery if it is an Imminent.
Capacity Point
Capacity or "Cap" Points are a Resource, the number of which directly corresponds to the Level of the Summoner they are attributed to. (e.g Level 1 Summoner has access to 1 Capacity Point, Level 2 has access to 2, etc.) A player can increase the number of Cap Points they have access to by attaching Level Up cards to Summoners, but are also limited to the number of Levels a Summoner can obtain. Cap Points, alongside Tilting the Summoner they are generated by, allow a player to Invoke cards from their hand. Cap points are regenerated in the Restoration Phase of every turn. They can also be regenerated by Powers found elsewhere in Rise TCG.
Whenever a card is played (in the case of Imminents cards) or Destroyed (in the case of Creatures or Doors), or removed from the battlefield (in the case of Incantations), or Discarded (see "Discard"), unless specified to go elsewhere, the Cemetery is where they must be placed. The only exceptions to this are Rank Infinite cards (see "Rank") which are placed in the Ether as Ether Charges "Ether Charge Icon" (see "Ether Charges").
Charge Counter
Charge Counters are placed on Constant cards, as and when directed. They can be positive and negative, depending on the Power used to bestow them. Mostly in the form of +1/+1 or -1/-1, which directly affect the attached card's Attack and Defense values, there are other Charge Counters to be aware of.
Coins are a Resource which are primarily used to activate Actions (see "Actions"). They are mainly stored and generated in the Stock, however, they are also generated by many other means in Rise TCG.
A Constant is any card which stays present on the battlefield until Destroyed or Excluded. Note - An Imminent card is NOT considered a Constant.
Whenever this Term is used, it denotes the controller of the card specified will change to another player.
Copy / Copies
The copying Creature gains the copied Creature's Type, Title, Attack "Sword Icon" and Defense "Shield Icon" values , passive Effects and Actions. The copying Creature still retains it's original Type in addition.
Creature are cards identified by the Type "Creature" at the top of the card face. They possess Attack "Sword Icon" and Defense "Shield Icon" values in the bottom right of the card face. Creatures can possess Actions, Abilities and Effects, in addition to the aforementioned values.
Critical Success or Fail conditions arise when the Flip result is Forced (see Force) by another card's Action, Effect or Ability.
Cumulative Action
The gains or losses granted by the Action, Effect or Ability can stack on previously gains or losses. (e.g. Each time the Action, Effect or Ability is used the gained +1/+1 Charge Counter will become +2/+2,+3/+3, etc)
Any Diseases (see "Disease") afflicting the Creature or Summoner are removed with no further effect.
A Cycle consists of the amount of Turns it takes for each player in a game of Rise to play. If a card specifies a "Cycle", it means from the moment it is Invoked/Summoned until the moment play is returned to it's Invoker/Summoner.
Damage is the application of any Attack value from one source (be it from Creature, Door, Imminent, Incantation, Effect, Action, Ability, etc) to a target. In the case of a Creature or Door, this is calculated against the opponent's Block "Shield Icon" value and results in either Destruction or, with the correct Ability allowing, it can roll over to a Summoner, minus the Block value. If an Attack is not Blocked, Damage is applied directly to the Summoner of the Blocking party's choice. In the case of Summoners receiving Damage, the amount of Damage applied is subtracted from their HP (see "HP").
See "Block"
Defense Value
Is the value at the bottom right of a Creature or Door's card face, found beside small Shield Icon.
A Creature is removed from the battlefield to the Cemetery via combat or use of an Action, Ability or Effect.
See "Destroy"
The target Skill is unusable by it's Summoner.
Discarded cards are moved from the target player's hand directly to the Cemetery.
Diseases are negative statuses denoted by the Disease Ability Icon (see Ability Icon List). They may expire when certain conditons are met or must be Cured (see Cure).
Doors are identified by the Type "Door" at the top of the card face. They possess similar traits to Creatures, including the Attack "Sword Icon" and Defense "Shield Icon" values, with access to Actions, Abilities and Effects. However they also have the ability to Open and Close (see "Open/Close").
Draw as many cards from the top of your Library (see "Library") as specified, or in an alternative method as directed on a card. In the case the instruction simply says "Draw" with no numerical value, Draw 1 singular card.
The Duplication is identical to the original and remains even if the original is Destroyed. A Constant card can only be Duplicated once, any other Duplication, whether intentional or not, goes into the Ether (see "Ether").
Effects can be found on almost any card Type in Rise TCG and affect gameplay. Effects are designated by the lack of any Ability Icons and the lack of Coin, Flip or any other resource cost to activate them.
The card may be attached to another Creature or Summoner and bestow gains, losses or Abilities. Once an Equipped Creature or Summoner dies, its Equipment is sent to the Cemetery. ( See Equipment in the Ability Icons List )
The Ether card is where a player's Ether Charges "Ether Charge Icon" are stored, and from where they can be used either in the form of Drawing 1 card or supplying 1 Coin to your Stock.
Ether Charge
The Ether card is where a player's Ether Charges "Ether Charge Icon" are stored, and from where they can be used either in the form of Drawing 1 card or supplying 1 Coin to your Stock.
The target of the Exclusion is sent directly to the Exclusion Zone.
Flight / Flying
Flying Creatures inhabit the Celestial Plane (see "Plane"). Ground Creatures are unable to Block Flying Creatures but they may be Blocked by Flying Creatures.
A Flip is an activation mechanic for Actions. It is decided by flipping a physical coin. A Flip can be free with no Coin cost or may cost a specified amount of Coins to activate. The Flip can result in either a Success condition or a Fail condition (see "Success/Fail").
Force overrides any decision made preceding the Force Term and changes it to one specified on the card face. (e.g. Force a Success Condition on a Flip - AKA Critical Success)
Freeze / Frozen
Frozen Creatures suffer a -1/-1 Charge Counter whilst under this status. They cannot Tilt, Attack, Block or activate any Actions.
HP is an abbreviation for Health Points. These are denoted on the card face of each Summoner and your total HP for the game is the sum of both Summoner's HP added together. If a Summoner takes Damage, it is subtracted from its HP.
Imminent cards are identified by the Type "Imminent" at the top of the card face. These cards' Actions, Abilities and Effects can be activated once, unless otherwise stated, and then they are Discarded. Imminent cards can be used at Imminent Speed meaning they can be used at any point in a game of Rise, including opponents' Turns.
A card with Immunity cannot be targeted or affected by any Diseases (See Disease)
A card that is Inactive cannot perform any Action, Abilities or Effects nor Attack or Block. The card is completely nullified.
Incantation cards are identified by the Type "Incantation" at the top of the card face. They have access to Actions, Abilities and Efffects. Incantations, once Invoked, stay present on the battlefield until Removed or Destroyed, or until specified by that particular card.
If this card becomes the target of an Attack or of Destruction, these do not affect the Indestructible card at all.
Invocation Sickness
For the duration of the Turn a Creature card is Invoked, it suffers from Invocation Sickness and cannot Attack/Block. It can, however, activate any Action's it may posssess.
Invoke / Invocation
A card, a skill, an effect, an action, or even a phase of play can become inneffective.

This will result in it becoming null and void for a set period of time, or permanently.
See "Destroy"
A Summoner's Level is determined by the amount of Level Up cards attached to it. This also determines the Skills the Summoner has access to and the amount of Capacity Points they produce each Turn. A Summoner will always generate 1 Capacity Point and have access to its Level 1 Skill without any Level Up cards attached, unless specified otherwise. A Summoner's Level can also be manipulated by other cards in Rise TCG.
A player's Library is their deck. This is where any Drawing of cards should come from and always from the "top" face down card, unless specified otherwise.
Two cards become one card, with the effects specified by the cards for the Merge.
The gains or losses granted by the Action, Effect or Ability cannot stack on previously gains or losses. (e.g. Each time the Action, Effect or Ability is used the gained +1/+1 Charge Counter stays as it is and does not increase.)
Open / Close
The two states of a Door card, a Door can only be Opened or Closed with a Key or if an Action, Ability or Effect allow it. If a Door is Open it becomes Inactive (see "Inactive"), and may trigger one or more Actions, Abilities or Effects, depending on which Door is being played. If a Door is Closed it behaves and is treated the same as a Creature, alongside any Actions, Abilities or Effects it possesses.
Phases are the basic elements of playing a Turn. They are as follows: the Awakening Phase, the Restoration Phase, the Invocation Phase, the Combat Phase and the End of Turn Phase. (See "How to Play Guide" for more information.)
There are two Planes in Rise TCG - the Ground Plane and the Celestial Plane. All Creatures in Rise are subject to the Planes, and all Creatures are considered Ground Creatures unless they possess the Flight Ability (see "Flight/Flying") in which they inhabit the Celestial Plane, or unless specified otherwise. Ground Creatures are unable to Block Flying Creatures but they may be Blocked by Flying Creatures.
A card's Rank can be found at the top of the card's face. Ranks in Rise TCG dictate how many of that particular card you may have in your Library/deck (e.g. Ranks 1 ,2, 3, 4 and Infinite mean a player may only have 1, 2, 3 , 4 or Infinite numbers of those cards in their Library, respectively.)
This can have multiple meanings depending on context. In the case of Removal of Actions and Abilities, these are no longer accessible by the card in question. In the case of Charge Counters, any Charge Counters specified are Removed from cards in play, as specified.
The Creature is Resistant to a Creature's Type. It's not affected by any Attack, Effects and Actions from the indicated Creature Type.
A collective Term for any in-game medium which can be exchanged for anything else (e.g. Ether Charges, Coins, etc.).
A dead Summoner (one whose HP has been reduced to zero) is brought back into play with the specified HP value.
A dead Summoner (one whose HP has been reduced to zero) is brought back into play with the specified HP value.
Show the specified card/s to your opponents.
Move a Creature you control to your Cemetery.
You may manually look through and select a card from your Library.
Skills are found on Summoner cards. Higher tier Skills are unlocked as Level Up cards are attached to a Summoner. Skills are used by spending Capacity Points (see "Capacity Points") of the possessing Tilted Summoner.
Take a specified amount of a Resource (see "Resource") from an opponent's Resource pool and put that amount in your own. If the opponent's Resource value is zero, Steal has no effect as there is nothing to Steal.
The Stock card is where the player's Coins are stored. It also dictates the two Draw conditions, found on the face of the Stock card, used in the Restoration Phase (see "Phase").
Success / Fail
These are the two main conditions of a Flip Action (see "Flip"). If utilising a Rise TCG Flip coin, Success - Eye Symbol, Fail - Skull Symbol. These results are not compulsory, however, and any regular coin may be used if needed, with Success and Fail being decided by the players before the Flip.
Summoning is when a Creature or card is brought to the battlefield from anywhere other than a player's hand. This is also the Term when a Rank Infinite card is brought into play via Actions, Abilities, Effects and Skills.
Summoners are indicated by the Type "Summoner" at the top of the card face. They also possess HP, Skills and Levels (see "HP", "Skill" and "Level") unlike any other cards in Rise TCG. For more information on Summoners see "How to Play Guide".
Tilt / Untilt
When a Summoner, Creature or Door are Attacking, Blocking or need access to their Capacity Points they are Tilted 90o. At the beginning of a player's Turn, in the Awakening Phase (see "Phase"), any Tilted cards are then Untilted and returned to their upright position.This is the standard state of play unless the Tilt mechanic of certain cards are affected by other cards in play.
Time Charge Counter
Usually in the form of a Die (but can be any objects that player's choose), Time Charge Counters denote either how many Turns before a Power comes into effect, how many Turns before a Power is no longer active, or simply how many Charges are left to use on a card.
The name of a card, found under the card's Type at the top of the card face.
Pass the specified Disease (see "Disease") to another card.
The elements of play where a player works through the Phases (see "Phase") from the Awakening Phase, until completing their End of Turn Phase.
A card's Type is found at the top of the card's face. Type determines how a card behaves and is played and also how it interacts with other cards, Actions, Abilities, Effects and Skills.
An Unblockable card directly Attacks the target opponent's Summoners and cannot be Blocked by any opposing Creatures.