
Hmmm, what’s this ability?

Hmmm, what’s this ability?

You are playing with your best card and you don't remember what an ability symbol is?

Since I'm in a generous mood, I'll give you the list of all the symbols, don't thank me, it's not necessarily a gift.

You are playing with your best card and you don't remember what an ability symbol is?

Since I'm in a generous mood, I'll give you the list of all the symbols, don't thank me, it's not necessarily a gift.

When a Creature with Advantage Attacks, that Creature chooses a legal Blocker. If Damage would be dealt to a Summoner, the Attacking Creature chooses which Summoner takes the Damage. Passive Ability for a Creature.
Allergy is a Disease. Targeted Creature has a -1/-1 Charge Counter as long as it remains Diseased (Cumulative effect). Passive Ability.
Amok is a Disease. At the beginning of the Controller of the Creature's Turn, toss a Coin, if it's a Success the Creature randomly hits an allied Creature and can make no other Actions this Turn. Active Ability.
(Before the Attack Phase) This Creature may stack with others that have Assimilation and become a single Creature, with the total Attack and Defense Values of the component Creatures. The Creature on top of the stack determines its Type, Abilities, Actions and effects.
When this Creature is Blocked, the Blocking Creature gains a -1/-1 Charge Counter after the Combat Phase.
This is an explosive. Passive ability
A Chained Creature can be freed from its restraints with a Key, a Basic effect, or an Action that Opens Locks. Freeing this Creature can cause the creation of bonuses or penalties. Passive Ability for Creature.
During your turn toss a Coin, if it's a Success Summon a Copy of this Clone (it generates a Clone of the same Type on your battlefield). If it's a Failure the Clone is Destroyed (Cloning only works with clone Type Creatures and the Duplication rule does not affect Cloning). Active Ability for a Creature.
Cold is a Disease. Target opponent must pay 1 Coin at the beggining of their Turn. Cold must be paid before Restoration Phase, it disappears if the opponent can no longer pay at the beginning of their Turn.
The Creature with Constancy cannot gain -X/-X Charge Counter.
Once per turn, this card may Relaunch an Action from one of your Creature, Door, Incantation, or Imminent cards in play.
Dementia is a Disease. At the beginning of the controller of the Creature's Turn, toss a Coin, if it's a Success the targeted Creature deals its Damage to itself, and can make no other Actions this Turn. Active ability.
This card is a Disease and can be Transmitted under certain conditions. Passive Ability.
Creatures with Distance may only be Blocked by Creatures with Distance or Reach and Doors. Passive Ability for a Creature.
Once per turn, before combat phase: toss :-Success= you can target an opposing creature. That creature can't defend this turn. Active ability for creatures
When a Creature Defends, toss a Coin, if it's a Success during a fight the Creature with Dodge takes no Damage. Select a Disease you Control. It's passed to the Creature that Attacked the Creature with Dodge during the last Combat Phase. Active Ability for a Creature.
After Attacking Phase, if your Creature with Drain is Blocked and survives, it gains a +1/+1 Charge Counter.
Equipment cards attach to target Constant card or Summoner. Equipment card is Destroyed if the card it is attached to is Destroyed. Equipment is returned to hand if the card it is attached to is returned to hand. Passive Ability.
(During your Attack Phase) If a Bomb is attached to this Creature, it may Sacrifice itself to Destroy target opposing Creature on the same Plane.
A Creature with Fightback doubles it’s Attack Value when Blocking during an Combat Phase. Passive ability for a Creature
This is a Fire element.
Fixed Price
The costs of Actions cannot be reduced in any way. Passive Ability.
Flying Creatures can only be Blocked by Creatures which also have Flight or Reach and Doors present on the same Plane. They may also block ground Creatures. Passive Ability for a Creature.
This is a Food type card. Passive Ability.
A Horde Creature can Block multiple Creatures when it Blocks. You choose the order in wich they face each other. ( Doors can Block this way )
This is an Ice element.
A Creature with Immunity cannot be affected by Diseases. Passive Ability for a Creature.
When the Creature with Inhume Dies, toss a Coin, if it's a Success when this Creature goes to the Cemetery, it gives a +1/+1 Charge Counter to a targeted Creature under your Control. If this Creature is a zombie Type it gains +2/+2 instead. Active Ability for a Creature.
Iron Skin
(After the Combat Phase) When this Creature Blocks it gains a +1/+1 Charge Counter. Passive Ability for a Creature.
This is a Lightning element.
You may Open a Lock with a Key, a Basic Effect or an Action. This will trigger an Effect described on the card. Passive Ability.
Madness is a Disease. Take Control of target Creature as long as it remains infected with Madness. Passive Ability.
When a Creature with the Morpher subtype comes into play it must choose another Creature to Copy. If this ability is removed or if there is nothing to Copy, the Creature Dies. Passive Ability for a Creature.
You can select other targets for the same cost (or same target multiples times), when you activate this Action.
Paralysis is a Disease. At the beginning of the controller of the Creature's Turn, toss a Coin, if it's a Success, the Creature is paralyzed and can't Attack or activate its Actions during this Turn. Active Ability.
Paranoia is a Disease. At the beginning of the Controller of the Creature's Turn, toss a Coin, if it's a Success the Creature takes double Damage the next time it's hit. Active Ability.
Parasite is a Disease. Toss a Coin, if it's a Success the target Creature gains a -1/-1 cumulative Charge Counter at the beginning of each Turn for 3 Turns. If the Creature with Parasite Dies because of Parasite, one Summoner of the Diseased Creature's owner takes 3 Damages. If it's a Failure Parasite infects your weakest Creature.
Creatures with Pierce deal any additional Damage greater than a Blocker’s Defense to that opponent’s Summoners. Passive Ability for a Creature.
When a Creature with Possession Attacks or Defends, toss a Coin. If it's a Success, upon Blocking or being Blocked you take control of the opponent's Creature which was touched at the end of the Attack Phase. The Creature is put on your battlefield under your Control until its owner's next Turn. Active Ability for a Creature.
Once per Turn, toss a Coin. If it's a Success, Rage gives a +1/+1 Charge Counter to the Creature until the end of turn. You may toss a Coin again for free as long as you have a Success. Rage gives additionnal +1/+1 Charge Counters for each Success until you Fail a toss. These Counters last until the end of turn. Active Ability for a Creature.
Creatures with Reach may Block all Blockable Creatures. Passive Ability for a Creature.
When a Creature with Reanimation Dies, Toss a Coin. If it's a Success, the Creature returns after its death to your battlefield with +1/+1 Charge Counter. A Creature can be reanimated only once. If the reanimated Creature Dies again, it is Excluded. Active Ability for a Creature.
Return sends target card to it's controller's Hand. Passive Ability.
Schizophrenia is a Disease. At the beginning of the controller of the Creature's Turn, Toss a Coin, if it's a Success the player who infected the Creature takes Control of its Actions this Turn, any costs are at the expense of its owner. Active Ability.
If Blocked, Attack Damage copies onto another Creature or Door of your choice from the same battlefield. If there are no other Creatures or Doors, copy Damage to that opponent's target Summoner.
A Creature with Symbiosis needs another Creature(s) to fully benefit from its effects. Passive Ability for a Creature.
To Invoke a Card with Together, tilt two Summoners and spend 1 Capacity Point from each Summoner unless a Skill, a Basic Effect or an Action allows otherwise. Passive Ability.
Trauma is a Disease. At the beginning of the controller of the Creature's Turn, toss a Coin, if it's a Success the Creature Dies and deals 2 pts Damage to the caster of the Disease. Active Ability.
Wall Pass
A creature with Wall Pass cannot be Blocked by Doors or their Effects or Actions. Passive Ability for a Creature.
This is a Water element .