All about the cards

- As in all TCGs or CCGs, some cards are more rare than others.
- The rarity of a card is not related to its rank.
- At the bottom of the card and centred around the icon that represents the edition, you will find a pair of wings that evolve according to the rarity.
- The larger the wings, the rarer the card is.
- if no wings are present, the card is common.
Type of Cards

Hey there !
I'm here to teach you about the different type of cards.
To look, analyzed and explain all the beautiful cards from Rise.
I know it is a lot of informations but be carefull you're not alone in facing this.
If you have questions or you need more explains don't hesitate to come in our Discord server.

The unchangeable cards
To be clear, an unchangeable card is not part of the battlefield and cannot be destroyed :

- Ether:

- When a card of infinite rank is destroyed, it does not go to the graveyard but instead charges the Ether.( Place the destroyed card under the ether card)
- These charges are part of the game and can be used, modified, reset or destroyed with certain cards of your library and by the ether itself.
- Ether charges cannot be negative and have no limits.(Ether is not considered as a constant card and is not part of your library).

- Stock:

- The stock allows you to accumulate and use your coins to activate your action
- The stock cannot be negative and does not give credit, has no limits and cannot be destroyed. (Stock is not considered as a constant card and is not part of your library).

Summoner and level cards
You must do no let your opponent destroy yours summoners.

- Summoners:

- Summoners represent you and their destruction means the end of the game.
- You must choose 2 different summoners to start a game. ( your opponents can have the same summoners as you)
- To summon a card, you must tilt one (or both of your summoners simultaneously in the case of cards that have the ability "Together") of your summoners and spend one of its "capacity points" which depend on the number of levels gained (knowing that natively the summoners are "level 1") - (Your summoners cannot exceed their maximum levels and gain for each level gained, an additional summoning or skill capacity )
- A level 3 summoner will be able to do 3 capacities to choose among his skills or to do one or several invocations.
- You can summon Imminent cards and skills during opposing turns of play if your summoner is not already tilted and has the required level.
- Once tilted, your summoner will not be able to do anything until he is straightened up (it will automatically straighten up at the beginning of your turn).- (Summoners are not considered as constant cards and are not part of your library, but can be destroyed if their life points drop to 0).

- Levels:

- Levels are a part of your library and allow you to unlock skills and give additional "capacities" to to your summoners, they do not require a summoner to be tilted to be played and are limited to 1 per cycle. ( you can add one during your turn only)
- You can use a capacity point and play the skills lower than your current level, if you have a level above the first one. (you can choose the order in which you want to do your skills, for example, if you have 4 ability points: you can do skill number 2, and then summon, do the first skill and summon again.)
- As a basic rule, your summoners enter the game at level 1 and can therefore perform their first skills directly once your first turn. But you can tilt and summon an "imminent" card before your first turn.
- Levels are not considered as constant cards, they merge with the summoner who benefits from them.
- If one of your summoners should regress one or all of their levels, return the lost levels, they do not go to the graveyard or the ether.
- You can add levels to your summoners even if they are max level, it only has an influence if the level has a basic effect.

Constant Cards
A constant card is a card thet remains on the battlefield until it is destroyed

- Incantation:

- The incantation is an invocation that can be done during your turn (or an opposite turn if it accumulates the type Imminent) and asks to tilt one or all of your summoners, it lasts as long as it is not destroyed and once destroyed it goes to the graveyard. ( except if infinite rank, in this case it charges the Ether).
- The incantations are composed of basic effects and actions to activate.

- Door:

- The door is an invocation that can be done during your turn (or an opposite turn if it accumulates the type Imminent) and requires you to tilt one or all of your summoners, it is constant and lasts as long as it is not destroyed.
- The doors have the native characteristic of not being able to attack but being able to defend several creatures,(according to their points of defense) and beyond this basic utility, they can cause a special effect if you open them ( with a key, a basic effect or an action) - (a door remains open until it is closed by a key, a basic effect or an action) - (In the special case of Summoner Keyng the Great's level 1, a door can attack, when it attacks, until your next turn, these doors are considered creatures but do not have to be tilted to attack).

- Creature:

- Creatures are summons that require you to tilt one or all of your summoners. creatures can accumulate several types and can therefore also be incantations and/or imminent, and in this case be summoned during your turn or an opponent's turn.
- Creatures have attack and defense points and can have abilities as well as basic effects and/or actions to activate.
- They can attack once per turn during the attack phase. (Even if a creature, door, or incantation type card shares the Imminent type, it remains constant. It may just benefit from the speed of summoning, or from being summoned during an opponent's turn).
- Creatures can have basic effects and actions to activate.

Imminent cards
You can used them during your or the opposing turn
- Imminent invocations have the ability to be made during your turn or an opposing turn and require tilting one or all of your summoners, it self-destructs at the end of the turn and goes to the graveyard (unless it has an infinite rank, in which case it charges the Ether).
- Imminent invocations can be composed of basic effects and action activations.
- Imminent invocations are not constant cards and are destroyed at the end of your turn.
- All other card types can accumulate Imminent type.This results in being able to summon them during an opponent's turn or in response to an imminent card or action.
- >Imminent cards can have basic effects and actions to activate.

- Imminent:

- Creature + Imminent:

- Incantation + Imminent:

- Creature + Incantation +Imminent:

- Door + Imminent:

Infos on the card
Did you digest all this information ?
If not it's not a big deal, you can read again after.
From now we will see all information present on the card to the top to the bottom.
And as I said earlier, if you have questions or you need more explains don't hesitate to come in our Discord server

Rank of the cards

- At the top of each card belonging to your library you can read the type(s), followed by the sub-type(s) and then the rank.
- The rank defines the number of times you can put this card in a deck.
- For example, a card of rank 1 can only be used once, whereas you can put as many cards of infinite rank as you wish.
- It's up to you to find the right balance with your 50 card library.
Name of the cards

At the top of the cards, centred and in capital letters, you will find the name of the card.
Summoner's Skills

- All summoners at your disposal can do several skills.
- Currently R-182 is the summoner with the least amount of skills (2) and some other summoners such as Lauviah have up to 5 skills.
- By default your summoner is level 1 and therefore has access to his first skill.
- To unlock the other skills, you need to level your summoners, this also has the purpose of adding an additional capacity point to your summoners.
- The basic rule only allows you to do a targeted skill once per turn, but if you unlock capacities by leveling your summoners, you can do all your skills in one turn.(Unless a rule changes this, you can only make a set skill once per turn)
- Skills are at imminent speed.
Healing Points (HP)

- Summoners all have a set number of HP on the bottom right of their card.
- If the summoner reaches 0 HP, he dies.
- Cards can be used to bring summoners back to life.
- Unless a card indicates otherwise, your summoners have no restrictions and can accumulate as much HP as possible.

- Abilities can appear on all types of cards.
- They are presented as icons. (easily recognisable, you will have to learn to recognise them)
- Passive or active, you can find the complete list on the page: abilities
Base Effect

- The basic effect of a card can appear on every type of card in your library.
- it applies at the moment the card comes into play.
- there may be more than one effect, they are applied in the order of reading, from top to bottom.

- Actions of a card can appear on every type of card in your library.
- To make a toss you have to follow several rules:
- 1: respect the cost in coins or ether charges needed to toss the action. (the cost is indicated before the action type icon, if there is no cost it means that the action is free).
- 2: look at the coin icon to know if it is a direct purchase or a coin toss.
- 3: if it is a coin toss, respect the success or failure of the action.
- An action is limited to once per turn, unless the card indicates otherwise.
- Actions have the imminent stacking speed.
- If you do an action with a coin toss and the card doesn't say anything about the case of failure, then nothing happens on failure.
- For more information about actions ; Actions
- In the case of a direct purchase, if the action does not target any other card, you can repeat this purchase as long as your stock allows it.
- If this direct purchase targets something, you will be limited to one per turn unless a rule changes this.
Attack and Defense Points

- The attack (sword icon) and defense (shield icon) points are shown at the bottom right of the card.
- If the defense points drop to zero, the creature dies and either goes to the graveyard or into the Ether depending on its rank.
- The * symbol may appear in place of the attack or defence numbers, these numbers are variable according to elements defined on the card rules.
- Defense points reset at the end of each turn.
Illustration, Edition & Credit

- The bottom black part of the card shows in this order:
- The number of the card in relation to the set of cards in the edition.
- A small brush indicates who illustrated the card, and who helped illustrate the card if there are several names.
- In the centre is the logo representing the edition.
- The language of the card, the year of creation, the name of the owners of the rights relating to the production and reproduction of the card.


